Haley James Scott, Nathan, I cant hear youll never come home again
HD; 720p WILL GIVE YOU A MUCH MORE MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE; ) A short video about a very emotional and touching storyline. I can t believe how much i m loving this season, seriously, Mark you re gonna make it ten times difficult for me to say goodbye to my favorite show I can t believe there are like 4 episodes left, i just can t : ( Anyway s, Joy is just killing it this season, like always, but have never seen such good acting This woman is seriously amaziing, and I love her to death I haven t actually ever vid seasons 79, but I ve been downloading this season and this storyline has really touched my heart, so I really hope you guys will love this video as much as I loved doing it : ) Also, I will be making the VLOG tomorrow :D BACKUP: TWITTER br, br,