Adam Kanyama The Golden Child (feat. Sabina Ddumba)
The Golden Child EP is available on Spotify and iTunes 7 vinyl single is available from Papercut: A BEST BOI PRODUCTION Lyrics Lead vocals: Adam Kanyama Additional vocals: Sabina Ddumba Music Production: Leo Kristoffer Malmsten Directed by Susanna Särne Photography by Erik Nordlund Edited by Mattis Gustafsson Steadicam: Bratislav Stankovic Focus puller day 1: Olle Kirchmeier Focus puller day 2: Sofia Larsson Electrician: Sebastian Sheild Studio host: Jiasi Maciel Makeup: Therese Bjärgrim Textiles: Anneli Tegelberg Production Assistant: Josefin Hammargren Production Assistant: Emma Hagberg VFX: Mats Barrett Graphics: Karl Grandin Thank you: House of Radon Thank you: James Perra Light And Locaction BEST BOI PRODUCTIONS Production managers: Leo Kristoffer Malmsten Susanna S, 228 br, br,