2013, 07, 27(土) 波高 1m 津波実験 at 横須賀 港湾空港技術研究所一般公開 (注意: 0:29 津波の衝撃音があります)
日本語の説明は英語の説明の後にあります: English: (Caution: Strong sound around 0:29) This is a video of tsunami experiment at Port and Airport Research Institute, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan. The facility has annual open house event, and most of years, they show this tsunami experiment to visitors. This is the one done at July 27, 2013. The tsunami experimental facility can produce tsunami as high as 2. 5m at maximum, but the tsunami height of this filmed experiment is only 1. 0m. Hearing 1 meter high wave sounds easy, but I w