How To Talk To Clients About Money Budget Barcelona Workshop
Art of communication: How do you say what you think while not making the client angry Should you just bury your emotions or speak your mind What is the professional approach to this so that you don t make your clients upset Learn more about our Business Bootcamp, designed to help you attract the right clients and grow your business: 03:20 Prompt: Asking for more money without alienating the client. How do you do that 05:03 Don t convince. Fighting with the client is a losing strategy. 06:00 Train of Thought. A way to say what you think while minimizing conflict and negative energy. Dot Lung (Mother of Social Media Dragons) Subscribe: We love getting your letters. Send it here: The Futur c, o Chris Do 1702 Olympic Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90404 USA Want a deeper dive Typography, Lettering, Sales Marketing, Social Media and The Business of Design courses available here: Love the content Become a sustaining m