Super Mario Four Corners Level 2 Rhythms
Test your students knowledge of quarter note, barred eighth note, quarter rests, half notes and half rest patterns with this fun Mario themed game In Super Mario rhythm four corners, students will have 10 counts to move to one of the four corners in the room to a remix of the Mario Overworld Song. They will then hear a rhythm pattern performed. They hold up the finger of the corner they think matches what they heard. When the matching corner is revealed, any students standing in that corner are out Get: Super Mario Create Your Own 8Beat Rhythm Pattern Level 2 FREE here: For more music resources visit: HOW I MAKE MY VIDEOS: 10 Ring Light with 53 Adjustable Tripod Stand Phone Holder: Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max: Rode VideoMicro Vlogger Kit for Mobile Phones: Fugetek 62 Professional Selfie St br, br,