Hobby Zone P 51 D 450mm RTF Trainer Airplane
Please click , Show more for links and more information. Visit for more information on the P51D 450mm RTF. Now it s easier than ever to learn to fly RC (Radio Controlled) airplanes in more places and smaller spaces with the HobbyZone P51D Mustang 450mm Its ultramicro size makes it perfect for flying in large yards, parks, soccer fields, and other suitable spaces where larger trainer models cant typically be flown successfully by firsttime pilots. Plus, it features a pop off prop saver design and incredibly tough EPP construction that makes it one of the most durable trainer airplanes yet Best of all it also features SAFE (Sensor Assisted Flight Envelope) technology that helps prevent overcontrol, loss of orientation, and crashes so nearly everyone can learn to fly successfully. The 100 factoryassembled airframe is equipped with a reliable electric power system, receiver, and servos. Its also RTF (ReadyT