David Lynch on Consciousness, Creativity and the Brain ( Transcendental Meditation)
David Lynch explains his understanding about consciousness, creativity and the brain. He says that Transcendental Meditation played crucial role in developing his consciousness and boosting his creativity. Learn more of find a certified Transcendental Meditation teacher at or call by calling 18885327686 (1888LEARNTM) David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness based education One lady in the audience says: I teach film, I make films. I would like to know what does meditation or how does meditation connect to your creative process or to how it might help the creativity of my students. David Lynch: If you have a golf ball sized consciousness, when you read a book you ll have a golf ball sized understanding, when you look out a golf ball sized awareness and when you wake up in the morning a golf ball sized wakefulness. But if you could expand that consciousness then you would read the boo