Animated Portfolio Website with React Framer Motion, React Project for Beginners
React Framer Motion portfolio project tutorial with parallax animations Get Hostinger Discount: Coupon Code: LAMADEV If it is valuable to you, you can support Lama Dev. Join: Buy me a coffee: Source Code: (Includes starter and completed branches) Join Lama Dev groups Facebook: Instagram: Discord: Twitter: 00:00 Introduction 02:55 Installation 05:35 How To Scroll Snap (CSS Snap Scroll Effect) 08:50 Global CSS 10:40 Navbar Design 15:40 React Framer Motion Crash Course 32:55 Animat. .., Lamadev, react , reactportfolio, reactanimation, reactframer, reactframermotion, reactportfoliowebsite, reactportfolioproject, reacttutorial 20231011 CHGHuF24Cjw