What Does the Mysterious Missing Continent Zealandia Look Like , History of the Earth Documentary
Man has always been fascinated by the depths of the oceans. Water has that something that attracts us, scares us and amazes us at the same time. And for good reason, it is the most present substance on Earth, and, along with air, the main ingredient that allows life as we know it. Water covers more than 70 of the Earth s surface, while 95 of these waters have not yet been explored. This fascination for the abyss, many people have used it to shape various myths and legends, such as that of the lost city of Atlantis. According to this legend, an inhabited city would be completely buried under the sea after being buried by a huge tidal wave, more than 9000 years ago. Today, it is not Atlantis that we are going to talk about but an eighth continent that exists scientifically as a land. A place that you may have already visited in part, without knowing it. It is Zelandia. Before we take you on a tour of Zelandia then and now, it is important to go back to where it all began, geologically spea