Glenn Miller His Orchestra 1941 Moonlight Serenade I Know Why Moe Purtill, Billy May
Ralph Brewster, Ray Anthony, Mickey McMickle, Johnny Best, Billy May trumpet Glenn Miller, Paul Tanner, Jimmy Priddy, Frank D Annolfo trombone Ernie Caceres, Hal McIntyre, Willie Schwartz, Tex Beneke, Al Klink reeds Chummy MacGregor piano Jack Lathrop guitar Trigger Alpert bass Maurice Moe Purtill drums Paula Kelly, Ray Eberle, and the Modernaires vocals From the 20th Century Fox film Sun Valley Filmed between March and May, 1941. You can find me on Facebook at: My original Gene Krupa site is at: Any monetary donations would be appreciated. Due to the progression of a muscle disease (Spinal Muscle Atrophy), I have to live in a nursing facility. Contributions will assist in acquiring any software, hardware, and additional channel material. I make no money from my YouTube videos. Any donations can be sent to: