Please help Purnyotara Mataji
Sri Radhika Devi Dasi explains the situation: Purnyotara Radhika Devi Dasi (Shukla Gain) has suffered peripheral nerve injury to her lower limbs and needs our help to pursue comprehensive treatment in India. If you would like to join us in supporting her recovery, we would welcome your donation (any amount from your heart). We have set up a crowdfunding campaign with GoGetFunding Or you can donate to her directly via her PayPal account If you have any questions regarding the Purnyotara Radhika devi dasi s situation or about the fundraising campaign organised by the ISKCON Hong Kong yatra, we welcome you to contact us. Chandrasekhar Acarya das (GBC for China region) Jayasri devi dasi (Hong Kong Temple Council) Sri Radhika devi dasi Email: Whatsap