metal production tutorial part 5 basics: insert, send effects, busses, routing For Tior I
in this one i explain the fundamental differences and use of insert effects, send effects and buses. so this ones just for the n00bs with no idea of that stuff. if you know about these things just skip this one. song credits: ForTiorI Insane Asylum ForTiorI Something (remixed and remastered) the rest: part 1: intro part 2: equipment part 3: impulse responses part 4. 1: pod x3 rhythm and lead tone part 4. 2: pod x3 clean and ambient tone part 4. 3: pod x3 bass tone part 6. 1: drum mixing: intro, kick drum part 6. 2: drum mixing: snare, hihat, toms part 6. 3: drum mixing : oh, room, reverb part 7: making beats part 8. 1: br, br,