Samuel L. Jackson Teases A Flawed Nick Fury in Marvels Secret Invasion, Around The Table
Samuel L. Jackson, Don Cheadle, Emilia Clarke, Cobie Smulders, Olivia Colman, Ben Mendelsohn, Kingsley BenAdir, and director Ali Selim chat with EW about the themes of Secret Invasion and Marvel s tight security. Subscribe to EW , AroundTheTable, SecretInvasion, Marvel, EntertainmentWeekly, SamuelLJackson, DonCheadle, EmiliaClarke, CobieSmulders, OliviaColman, BenMendelsohn, KingsleyBenAdir, AliSelim, Disney EW News Flash brings you breaking news and exclusive stories from the world of entertainment. Were always on the pulse with the latest updates in music, TV, movie and celebrity news, and full of behindthescenes coverage from AList events and first looks at the newest TV and films trailers and teasers. From Marvel and Star Wars, to Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, find out everything you need to know right here See all your favorite celebs spill things you never knew. Scarlett Johansson reveals when the OG Marv