MOZART LE NOZZE DI FIGARO 1786 with double subs It Eng
0:13:46 Se vuol ballare, signor contino, il chitarrino le suonerò: Its difficult to render into English the pun of the initial verses of this Cavatina: in Italian, the verb suonare (to play) can mean also to beat somebody (for example in the idiomatic expression suonarle a qualcuno, something like to give someone a beating). Besides, the word chitarrino (literally little guitar), its one of the ancient popular ways to say (and not to the rear end. It follows that Figaro would gladly make the Count dance (or even caper) kicking his arse At least a symbolic revenge of that sacrilegious kick Mozart had received up his backside from Count Arco, chief steward of the Archbishop of Salzburg, five years before, when he asked to took leave of his angry employer. La Contessa dAlmaviva MARCELLA ORSATTI TALAMANCA Il Conte dAlmaviva PIETRO SPAGNOLI Susanna DIANA DAMRAU Figaro ILDEBRANDO DARCANGELO Cherubino MONICA BACELLI Marcellina JEANNETTE FISHER