Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids play Love Stinks
Hey guys Weve been wanting to do this one for a while and we figured the video after Valentines Day might be perfect for some viewers that might be feeling feisty. Haha One of our favorite movies is The Wedding Singer with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore, so we threw a little bit of Sandlers performance in with ours. We hope you enjoy it This is Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids playing, Love Stinks by The J. Geils Band. Our TShirts: Instagram: Blog: If you enjoy our videos, feel free to tip our virtual tip jar at If you ve never seen one of our videos, feel free to read some info about us below. :) Hello everyone We re the Clark family. Colt (the dad) is a professional musician and Aubree (me, the mom behind the camera) is a photographer. Together we home