1167 Rejuvenating Sai Bhajans Vol 11, Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans
, srisathyasai, saibaba, bhajans, music, spiritual Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba says, Remember, every song sung in praise of the Lord is a sword that cuts the knots of laziness. It is a fine piece of social service to remind all of their duty to the Almighty, who watches over them. Getting inspired from Swamis words, let us sing these Rejuvenating Sai Bhajans Vol 11 in unison and pray for the well being of all 00:00 Radhey Mukunda Murari Govinda 03:14 Kousalyatmaja Rama Charan 06:32 Jaya Jaya Mangala Sai Namo 08:58 Sai Nam Bolo Sathya Sai Nam Bolo 12:37 Namh Parvathi Pataye Hara Hara Now You can watch on Prasanthi Connect Mobile App Google : Apple : Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre Podcasts : Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans Prasanthi Mandir Prayers