Iranian Political Analyst: Iran Had the Ability to Make 10 Nuclear Bombs Even before the JCPOA
Iranian political analyst Emad Abshenas, the editorinchief of Iran Diplomatic Newspaper, said that unlike Rouhanis team, Presidentelect Raisis administration does not seek to reach a fundamental resolution of all disagreements with the U. S., but only to have the sanctions lifted. He made his remarks in a show that aired on Sky News Arabiya (UAE) on July 24, 2021. Abshenas said that he does not think that Raisis team wants to obtain nuclear weapons, although Iran has all the technology to manufacture a bomb, and if it wanted to, it could do so at any time. Abshnenas also said that even before the JCPOA, (Iran) had the ability to manufacture ten nuclear bombs. He added that Irans first priority will be resolving disagreements with the neighboring countries and getting closer to the countries of the East like Russia and China instead of getting closer to Europe and the United States.