Hizbullah Nasrallah: All of Israel s Offshore Gas Fields Are Within Range of Our Threat
On July 25, 2022, Hizbullah SecretaryGeneral Hassan Nasrallah was interviewed on Mayadeen TV (Lebanon). He said that Lebanon will not give up on its right to extract natural gas and oil from its offshore reserves, and he rejected the idea that Lebanon keep the Qana offshore prospect in exchange for Israel keeping the Karish oil field (for more about the maritime border dispute between Israel and Lebanon, see MEMRI Inquiry Analysis Series No. 1640). He also said that Hizbullahs precision missiles can reach any Israeli target on land or at sea and that Hizbullah has the offensive and defensive naval capabilities to effectively deter Israel. In addition, Nasrallah said that Israel is a temporary entity and that in a matter of a few years, Israelis will be grabbing their suitcases and fleeing the country.