Spiral Rose Embroidery Cast on stitch, shorts
Spiral Rose Embroidery Cast on stitch, shorts In this video you will watch embroidery Brazilian technique Watch the full video Spiral Rose Floral Embroidery Caston stitch Stitches: chain stitch caston stitch couching stitch satin stitch Material: thread madame tricote franse (coton pearle) fabric cotton, calico or linen needle 5. 5 cm Thanks everyone for watching See also related videos: Dimensional Flower, Amazing Blue Daisy, Dimensional Embroidery, mix stitches Brazilian Embroidery, Knotted Lazy Daisy stitch, Dimensional Embroidery Dimensional Embroidery, Bouquet of flowers, Brazilian Embroidery Stitches Playlist: DIMENSIONAL EMBROIDERY My second channel is interesting too. Subscribe MalinaGM EXCLUSIVE Thanks for watching and like Subsc