Low Cost Container House in South Korea by JYA Architects
LowCost Container House in South Korea by JYAArchitects. In this video, we bring you a low cost family house in South Korea built from 3 20 foot shipping containers inside a tent. The home is built from three 20 foot shipping containers. Two containers are used for the living quarters and bedrooms, while a third container accommodates the kitchen, bathroom and laundry spaces. The kitchen container is separated from the other containers to form a breezeway that can be opened to the exterior with barn doors in the outer shell. The breezeway is covered with translucent polycarbonate roof creating a nice well light open space for outdoor living. However, standalone containers were inadequate to insulate the home from the elements and also lacked sufficient indoor free space at only To remedy this two challenges, a larger barnlike structure with light gauge framing and polycarbonate covering was built around the containers creating house within a , LowCosthouse, ContainerHouse, JYAArchi