How To Make A Decision, The Secret Technique To Making Better Decisions
Judgment is a super power. Writing is the secret weapon for developing that super power. Heres how to wield the one to increase the other Writing sucks. Its hard and slow and tedious And most of us really suck at it. School didnt help. If anything, school just reinforced how hard writing is. Thats a shame, because the power of writing cant be overstated. It is the physical manifestation of your ephemeral thoughts. Think of it like this If youve ever meditated, you realize just how frequently your monkey mind leaps from thought to thought. Writing is the process by which we take that monkey by the hand and walk it from point A to point Z. Oh, and that monkey is fighting you the whole way. But if you persist, you will arrive at the end with something incredibly profound: Clarity of Thought. Why is clarity of thought so important Because it leads to improved judgment. In the w