How does climate change affect our bodies
We hear a lot about the impact of climate change on the icecaps, and polar bears. But what about us How will a changing climate impact our physiology From increases in global temperatures affecting our thermorgulation, to the harmful effects of pollution on our cardiovascular system and the effect of a more plantbased diet on our bodies, this animation explores what a changing climate means for us Subscribe to our channel and follow us on Twitter (ThePhysoc ), Facebook and Instagram (, Physoc) to keep up with the science of life. Produced by Orinoco Communications Animation: Hayley Evenett Illustration: Alex Scarfe Sound Design, Music: Alexander Bradley Narration: Elisa Canas Director: Peter Barker Scientific advisors: Hannah Pallubinsky (Maastrict University, The Netherlands), Mark Miller (University of Edinburgh, UK) and Oliver Witard (King s College London, UK) Producer at The Physiological Society: Emily Wylde Transcript and re