The Untold Experiences of Black Soldiers During World War 2
Unlock exclusive content YouTube usually censors by joining our YouTube membership. As a member, you ll access exclusive videos, personalized shoutouts, and more. Don t miss out click Join now African Americans, in the neighborhood of one and a half million, served in the United States military forces during World War Two. They fought in the Pacific, Mediterranean, and European war zones, including the Battle of the Bulge and the D Day invasion These African American service men and women constituted the largest number enlisted in the Army and Navy, and the first to serve in the Marine Corp after seventeen ninety eight. However, as members of the United States military, this Greatest African American Generation encountered unequal treatment and limited opportunities for promotion and transfer due to the practice of racial segregation adhered to by the U. S. military, as well as the nation, at the time. We need your support Please consider buy