German march compilation 4 hours
I tried to include most of the popular German marches, please don t be angry if your favourite march is missing, this 4 hour march compilation is already 25 GB big. Because Youtube killed the old version, I had to replace some marches and also had to add 23 Austrian ones. There is no special order, but I set priority on the very famous ones at the beginning: 0:00 Hohenfriedberger Marsch 3:55 Preußens Gloria 5:33 Yorckscher Marsch 8:14 Königgratzer Marsch 10:52 Badenweiler Marsch 13:42 Helenenmarsch 16:14 Fridericus Rex Grenadiermarsch 19:06 Dessauer Marsch 22:38 Steinmetz Marsch 25:04 Pariser Einzugsmarsch 27:16 GrafZeppelin Marsch 30:26 Unsere Marine 32:35 Marsch aus der Zeit Friedrichs des Großen 35:40 Regimentsgruß 37:42 Bayerischer Defiliermarsch 39:42 Der Coburger 42:58 Gruß an Kiel 45:06 Königsmarsch 50:38 Der Alsenströmer 52:14 Die deutsche Kaisergarde 54:53 Nibelungenmarsch 58:37 Der