Every scam has one of these red flags: Ex con man Frank Abagnale
In the past, con men were able to charm people oneonone with a nice attire, great vocabulary and a likable personality. While they were captivating in person, modern day con artists are anything but that. They work remotely behind computers and in their pajamas, where its easy to take everything without any compassion. Excon man Frank Abagnale, made famous in the movie Catch Me If You Can, says technology may have changed the ways scammers operate, but it has not changed how scams work. To spot them, there are two red flags that are in almost every scam. Flag one: Artists will say they need money urgently. Whether its money or card information. They often obtain this through a romance scam, where the artists will target those looking for a relationship. Flag two: Artists will ask for personal information. They will often call or email as a bank fraud agent. By evoking fear into their victims, they can easily obtain the credit card security codes or social security numbers. For access to live and