My grandmothers favorite recipe Incredibly delicious potatoes with eggs
My grandmother s favorite recipe Incredibly delicious potatoes with eggs Subtitles are available in all languages. YOU CAN ENABLE SUBTITLES by clicking on the cc text at the top right and the three dots at the top right of the video and clicking TRANSLATE If you love potatoes, I offer you great options for breakfast or a snack during the day potatoes with eggs The combination of golden potatoes and eggs is just perfect, everyone will love it 00:00 Recipe, 1 Ingredients: Potatoes 3 pcs Parsley Spring onion Egg 4 pcs Salt, Black pepper, Paprika Mozzarella cheese 180 g Butter 04:20 Recipe, 2 Ingredients: Potatoes 2 pcs Parsley Egg 1 piece Salt Butter Cream cheese