it feels better to go all the way, i will love you completely. Kawaakari Academy Elite Chess Club, Round Two. Purification cycle two, another attempt at escaping the ever so cruel strings of fate now as second years at the Academy. What if you had no choice but to become entangled into a mess of space and time, getting stuck in the same period of time, redoing it multiple times to find the correct solution of the story Take this chance and play your flute again, and may you find that the world is not all despair. Though, if you are still as full of yourself as youve always been, none of this could reach you, as you continue to seek warped, twisted sorts of pleasure in acts of observation and being the one to put the gears in motion. Unbeknownst to any mortal, Oura turns the clock of time backward to once again put the members of the Elite Chess Club through a trial of life and death to discover their true desires and embrace what they really wish. The members find out about the other side of