The Valley Chapel (1931)
Shots of the Matterhorn mountain in Switzerland and the view from its slopes. High in the mountains a group of people mill around what is probably a hill station or hotel. A man plays an unusual instrument a flat board with strings attached which is played by hitting the strings with small metal strips. A Chapel is found here a sanctuary for stormbound travellers. L, S of the chapel which is beside a lake. Closer view of the Chapel. M, S of large number of people pilgrims perhaps standing with heads bowed They are attending an open air service. Various shots of the people and of the clergyman giving his sermon. The Chapel is in a very picturesque spot. Once a year the Mass is held at the Chapel. Amazing shot of the mists sweeping in and the people running away from the Chapel as the mists come in. Various shots of mist sweeping over the hillsides. Short shot of snow blowing off the top of the Matterhorn. Was an item in Pathe Pictorial issue number 676. FILM A VIDE