Rihanna, Ed Sheeran, Alan Walker, Martin Garrix Kygo, The Chainsmokers Style Summer Nostalgia, 1
Rihanna, Ed Sheeran, Alan Walker, Martin Garrix Kygo, The Chainsmokers Style Summer Nostalgia, 1 , summervibes, deephouse, summermix, 2024 Follow Selected Tropical Chill Youtube: SelectedTropicalChill LegendMusicRadio DeepDiscomb1vj DeepBoard Tracklist: 00:00, 0. The Rhythm of the Night 02:21, 1. We Dont Talk Anymore 05:55, 2. In The End 08:45, 3. Dj Goja x Vanessa Campagna Human (Official Single) 11:52, 4. Attention 14:40, 5. Prayer in C 17:54, 6. Cool Kids 21:22, 7. Titanium 24:12, 8. Talk 27:09, 9. CRAZY 30:08, 10. Sun Goes Down 32:48, 11. Hymn for the weekend 35:43, 12. Im Good (Blue) 38:21, 13. Sky Full Of Stars Cover 43:19, 14. Lost On You Cover Music by Deep Universe Spotify: Instagram:, deepuniverse Tiktok:, deepuniverseofficial Youtube: Facebook:, deepuniverse. m