FUEL Series 30 Min GIANT LEG DAY Workout Dumbbells, Day 1
FUEL Day 1 Lets Go Dumbbells, your mat, chair for Bulgarian lunges and lots of energy everything you will need for FUEL Day 1 The timer will be on for a majority of the workout 30 seconds per exercise, with 4 movements performed with no specific rest Each 4 movements together essentially form a giant set and these are not random movements rather programmed to flow from one to another with many targeting the same muscles The dumbbells I am using for your reference are 2 x 15 kg and 2 x 12. 5 kg each. 2 x 15kg X3 HIGH SQUAT ALT REAR LUNGE BODYWEIGHT ONLY SPRAWL X2 LUNGE x2 DUMBBELLS (one side) LUNGE TO SQUAT (same side) BODYWEIGHT ONLY LUNGE w, FOOT LIFT (same side) X2 RDL (slow eccentric) 1 1, 2 REPS RDL TO SQUAT SQUAT TO PLANK 2 x X2 BULGARIAN LUNGE x2 DUMBBELLS X1 DUMBBELL (same side) BODYWEIGHT ONLY LUNGE HOPS, STATIC LUNGE X2 CURTSEY LUNGE