1984 My Little Pony G1 Baby Sparkler Argentina Vintage Toy Restoration MLP Hasbro Top Toys Nirvana
This My Little Pony Baby Sparkler was made in Argentina in 1984 (it s what s called a Nirvana pony, in this case manufactured by Top Toys). It made it across the ocean recently alongside some equally damaged siblings. Unfortunately, mistakes were made (by me, naturally ) and the paint got damaged. My faults are my service to other restorers; D Lesson of the day: Do not use acrylics to protect symbols. Or, at least, don t use the best quality acrylics in your collection use cheap, kidfriendly Tempera paint. In any case, even though I seriously decreased the value of this Nirvana pony, at least it s got another chance I don t plan on ever parting with it :) Quick jump to: Intro: 0:04 Cleaning the pony: 00:30 Peroxide and UV treatment: 00:59 Rehairing the tail: 02:25 Rehairing the mane: 03:58 Retouching the symbols and eyes: 05:13 Results: 07:06 Find this pony on eBay: Explore MLP G1