GUMI English Machine Gun 踊ってみた えるなすゆん Niconico Video sm40251749
Music main family: Kiralike sm35205082 Osamu Motoro: Yakoma Penya sm39755263 I like it because I made a cool atmosphere that is a costume (о о) It is 3 people with safety pins Person who is dancing From the left of Samune Egg Twitter: Ermine11 Mylis: MyList, 65448612 eggplant Twitter: nasubeeee0211 Mylis: mylist, 67090997 Yun Twitter: yunwnwnd Mylis: MyList, 69623907 photograph (Blonde was shining) Kana mylist, 67657419 Edit (Is it a genius ) Dumplings Hide Video Description yun Video uploads Upload date 03, 31, 2022 12:00 Views 265