metal production tutorial part 7 making beats For Tior I
this ones about using MIDImap to create drum beats and a few tips to get a feel for making beats. song credits: ForTiorI Enter Infinity Machine Head Halo ForTiorI Seeing Eye Blood Hound the rest: part 1: intro part 2: equipment part 3: impulse responses part 4. 1: pod x3 rhythm and lead tone part 4. 2: pod x3 clean and ambient tone part 4. 3: pod x3 bass tone part 5: insert effect, send effect, buses part 6. 1: drum mixing: intro, kick drum part 6. 2: drum mixing: snare, hihat, toms part 6. 3: drum mixing : oh, room, reverb part 8. 1: mixing: intro, rhythm guitar part 8. 2: mixing: bass br, br,