simple flowers with a big watercolor brush
simple flowers with a big watercolor brush L I S T O F S U P P L I E S 140lb cold pressed watercolor paper (Canson XL) watercolor paints (Gold Class Mission by Mijello): cerulean blue, sap green, greenish yellow, orange, bright opera, peacock blue, red violet, sepia, permanent yellow light, crimson lake, cobalt blue No. 1 , 1 script watercolor brush (Black Velvet Silver) , 10 round watercolor brush (Caviar by Dynasty) black Pigma Micron pen, size 01 (Sakura) opaque white ink (Copic) i buy all my brushes from this is an affiliate link: get 5 off your entire order from The Brush Guys by entering code: ceecee F O L L O W C R É A T I O N S C E E C E E patreon: online store website: instagram: facebook: pinterest: br, br,