Post Malone Wow Choreography by The Kinjaz
Check out the rehearsal video here: For this piece we decided to challenge ourselves to choreograph using a prop in this case, we chose fedoras and split everyone up to choreograph different sections. After that, the wizards of Vibrvncy came in and worked their magic. Fun Fact: Tony Tran made every single one of the hats worn in this and did it in 2 days. All hands on deck for this one. Choreography by club90327647, kinjaz Performed by v1nh anthonylee mikeosong charlesvnguyen chadmayate mikefal club120093039, bammartin kevywinz villnlor mpactlor darrenrwong xtonytran btekbenchung jdmcelroy philgarvin Filmed Edited by vibrvncy Music by Post Malone Wow Hats by Knight Cap Go forth, and join the, ARMYofKIN on our social media