Phil X Jams Little Wing
Phil X jams Little Wing, by Jimi Hendrix, in a small bar in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Although the venue only had a small riser for a stage, a low ceiling, two light stands and a tiny sound system, the local audience was treated to an amazing night of rock on August 29th 2009. The Musicians in the jam night included; Guitarist (Phil X), Bassist (Kevin Gingrich) and Drummer (Paul Hoffman). For more music and information about Phil Xenidis, visit and Phil X spent a few years kicking around the club scene in Toronto, Canada. It wasn t long before he started developing a reputation as a guitarist with some serious power behind his sound. One day, after a twist of fate, he was asked to play for Tommy Lee. The next day he was in the studio and began recording guitars for MCA s Methods of Mayhem Since his reputation as being a raw, inventive and energetic guitarist got around, Phil X has recorded with Daughtry, Avril Lavigne, Kelly