534 (1934)
Full title reads: 534 I name thee Queen Mary Her Majesty launches giant CunardWhiteStar Liner at Clydebank, Scotland. King George V and Queen Mary walking along a platform at Clydebank shipyard before Queen launches the giant Cunard White Star liner 534. Masses of people are seen below the platform. King and Queen greet the crowds and leave the platform. King and Queen in the Royal box shot through the glass. It is raining and the glass is wet so the picture is quite blurred. King stands in front of microphone and addresses the crowds (natural sound). He thanks the people for the welcome. He talks about the great ship and wishes her long and successful life. Queen (still behind the glass) launches the ship natural sound. People cheer. Queen Mary moves backwards and plunges into the sea. Several shots of the Queen Mary in water. King and Queen shake hands with several men who worked on Queen Mary. Crowds cheer. King and Queen on platform. Pan along Queen Mary