Kailasa Bam Lahiri, Kailasa Jhoomo Re
Directed by Mahesh Mathai, this video features the 3 band members Kailash Kher, Paresh Kamath and Naresh Kamath, as musicians, in the middle of a psychedelic party, where a police man and photojournalist are trying to search for criminal activity. Originally a love song for Shiva by Parvati, a Jogiya track, the interpretation by Kailash Kher, A Shiv Bhakt himself, was extremely well received and popular. Bam Babam is the literal transcription of the sound of a Dhamruk, the little drum in the hand of Shiva. Song Name Bam Lahiri Album Kailasa Jhoomo Re Singer Kailash Kher Composer Kailash Kher; Paresh Kamath; Naresh kamath Lyricist Kailash Kher; Paresh Kamath; Naresh kamath Music Label Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. (C) 2007 Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. Subscribe: Vevo Like us: Facebook: Follow us: Twitter: G+: