Can Kpop Group finish the lyrics of BTS, EXO, OH MY GIRL, SVT NCT l FLC l JUST B
Hi, all the KPOP lovers from all corners of the globe Here we have our contents series, Finish the Lyrics Challenge with, JUSTB, FLC Here is the timeline for you 0:26 BTS Fake Love 0:59 HyunA I m Not Cool 1:46 EXO the eve 2:59 Weeekly After School 3:48 VIXX Chained Up 4:20 NCT U 90 s Love 5:12 OH MY GIRL Dolphin 5:50 SEVENTEEN HIT 6:33 Fromis9 WE GO 7:08 TAEMIN MOVE 7:57 JUST B DAMAGE All the behind the scenes and photos Check it out on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER, TIKTOK PAGE FB) TW) Tiktok) rollingkpop Multinational KPOP Contents, ROLLING