THE FRENCH BREXIT SONG Amanda Palmer, Sarah Louise Young Maxim Melton
SACREBLEU the french called. they want their words back. this song is available for download at with all proceeds going to support Open Piano For Refugees an austrian nonprofit that provides access to music lessons and instruments to local refugees. the origin of the video has a really fun backstory, read all about it HERE: we are the media, mes amis this video was independently funded by over 15, 000 patrons, because this kind of spontaneous art makes absolutely no commercial profit. please join my patreon for as little as 1, month to help us make more at it s also a damn fine community. Song Written by SarahLouise Young and Maxim Melton Video Concept by Amanda Palmer, scripted by Maxim Melton Starring La Poule Plombeé, Amanda Palmer, Maxim Melton, and Mat