Udemy Algorithmic Trading A Z with Python, Machine Learning AWS 5
Part 5 (1:35:09) 10. Introduction to Time Series Data in Pandas 0:00:00 2. Converting strings to datetime objects with 0:08:53 3. Indexing and Slicing Time Series 0:16:19 4. Downsampling Time Series with resample() 0:30:39 5. Coding Exercise 1 11. Financial Data Analysis with Pandas an Introduction 0:35:50 1. Getting Ready (Installing required library) 0:38:10 2. Importing Stock Price Data from Yahoo Finance 0:47:40 3. Initial Inspection and Visualization 0:53:12 4. Normalizing Time Series to a Base Value (100) 0:59:44 5. The shift() method 1:06:36 6. The methods diff() and pctchange() 1:13:17 7. Measuring Stock Performance with MEAN Returns and STD of Returns 1:22:07 8. Financial Time Series Return and Risk 1:30:37 9. Financial Time Series Covariance and Correlation