Witnesses Baptised (1963)
Item title reads Witnesses baptised. Assembly of Jehovah s Witnesses at Twickenham, Greater London. L, S people in the stands at Twickenham ground. M, S letters spelling out Jehovah s Witness on the turf. M, S two women embracing each other in greeting. L, S Twickenham, various shots people gathered in stands. M, S Minister addressing crowds. L, S tents at camp site near Shepperton. Various shots families on site. M, S people queuing up to get water from tap on site. M, S man filling container. Various shots of woman washing her clothes in a bowl. M, S washing hanging from line outside tent. M, S wringer. M, S huge hot water boilers. M, S two men working them. C, U potatoes being scooped out of large drums. Various shots of cooks frying thousands of sausages. C, U sausages. M, S large vats containing rice pudding being stirred by men. M, S people queuing up outside tents for their food. C, U Mr A. PryceHughes the Leader of Britain s Jehovah s Witnesses on right of picture. Interior shots of people being serv