UNITED KINGDOM: First woman General of Salvation Army (1934)
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit After sixday meeting High Council chooses daughter of founder to be the first female General of the Salvation Army. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: COMMANDER EVA ELECTED ENGLAND:London CU. of Gen Higgins. Gen. view of Salvation Army s Head Quarters. Long view of Commissioner Mappe arriving. CU. of Catherine Booth posing for camera with sister. Long view of Commander Evangeline Booth arriving. CU. of Map showing Salvation Army Movement. Semi view pan. of delegates to commander Eva Booth. CU. Commander Eva Booth talks. Semi view nearer semi view and CU. of Eva Booth talking. Sound Effects: Offstage voice describes Gen. Higgins retiring and says that Commander Eva has been elected. Eva Booth talks about the effectionate messenges of assurance and confidence that she has received from all over the world Background: After sixday meeting High Council chooses daught