Beginner Drum Fill not to hard Drummyfill Sunday 31 by Dirk Brand
Hello to Drummyfill Sunday No. 31 to another great Beginner Drum Fill Lesson and it is a follow up to Lesson No. 30 A big big thank you to all of you who donated money through to doctors without borders For everyone who doesn t know about my campaign: The world is very crazy in these days I would like to ask you to buy my Drummyfill Drum Sheets Episode 130 and the Backing Practice Tracks for 5 or more via PayPal: I will donate all the money to: I think this a great organization and they help people around the world I think they will be very thankful for this For this Drummyfill Sunday Lesson: Part A: RLLK Part B: RLRLRRKK Part C: RL R L RL Put this together and you have a great sounding Drumfill :) This is not a sponsored video, but I do endorse products you see in the video If you like to have the pdfs please write me and I donate the money for doctors without borders Please help this organization Please leave a like and a subscription D