Jan Svankmajers FAUST Trailer
Available for rental in Film Forum s Virtual Cinema starting Friday, September 18 (1994) Czech animatorextraordinaire Jan Svankmajer reinterprets the Faustian legend using puppets, clay, and various other kinds of 3dimenstional animation in his acclaimed followup to ALICE, his celebrated 1988 adaptation of Lewis Carroll. The filmmakers dark vision begins on the streets of Prague as an ordinary commuter seals his fate by accepting a handbill as he exits the subway. Svankmajer draws upon texts by Goethe, Marlow, and Grabbe, as well as popular folk interpretations. Huge marionettes, evil chickens, a flaming, riderless cart, and a clay fetus grown in a test tube that retains its baby body while its head ages all figure into Svankmajers latest pact with the devil. A KIMSTIM RELEASE