Mass Murder Agenda Bring The Violence Album Teaser
BLACK LODGE RECORDs is proud to announce the signing of Swedish industrial metal band MASS MURDER AGENDA, 2012. BRING THE VIOLENCE, debut album is to be released on BLACK LODGE RECORDS spring 2012. MASS MURDER AGENDAs explosive liveshows and industrial harcore has built momentum for the band since day one and BLACK LODGE and MASS MURDER AGENDA decided to seal the deal only within days of BRING THE VIOLENCE was finished. BRING THE VIOLENCE combines influences from such ledgendary acts such as Ministry, Slayer, Killing Joke, to name a few, with MASS MURDER AGENDAs own vision, generating a sound missing in metal today. BLACK LODGE and MASS MURDER AGENDA are very excited to present BRING THE VIOLENCE to new friends and old enemies, picking up more and more fans along the way. MASS MURDER AGENDA is: Tristan AgdlerVocals Joakim HedestedtBass Martin SundbergGuitar Henrik BlomqvistAudio warfare, visual br, br,