Ethereal Riffian Legends ( Official Music Video)
Official music video for Legends (taken from Legends LP, to be released by Robustfellow Prods. in the second half of 2019). Produced by: Re:evolution Film Director: Viktor Priduvalov Director of Photography: Eugene Kredentser Assistant Cameraman: Ilya Vartanian Producer: Viktor Sema Light: Max Ruban Postproduction: Mental dRive Studio Track was recorded, mixed and mastered at Bobina Records by Dmitry Bob Homulko The band would like to thank everyone who contributed and made this music video possible: Mikulik Vladimir, Kalinka Vitaliy, Michael Shiver, Masovets Oleksandr, Suprunenko Andrew, Jeremy Quantrill, Nikiforov Oleg, Michael Isaac, Mike Lynn, Conrad Coyle, Matthew Thomas, Gavin Hobson, Ronald Lee Walter, Anton Santanen, The Wolves 111, Ivor Loobas, Eric Layhe, Ryan Knapp, Marilena Moroni, Nakamura Aurelie, Andrew Minor, Lanvin PierreBaptiste, Christof Jud, Sebastian Schnell, Mikhail Bielousov, Sven Hesse, Ivan Kryvoruchko, Aymer