Baba Scholae 69, 1969 France UK, Psychedelic, Progressive Rock
Baba Scholae (1969 france, uk, superb progressive experimental rock with jazz, blues and psych traces) The international FrenchBritish group, whose records were considered lost and gathering dust in a private archive for over 40 years. The leader of the group was a native of ClermontFerrand JeanYves Labat De Rossi, better known under the pseudonym Mr. Frog (Mr. Frog). 69 of the Baba Scholae is a major album of the year 1969. It is a cult disc that never disappoints quite the reverse, when, like me, you can listen to it in the very best conditions after decades of obscurity. Some legendary records lose their power once they are revealed and it becomes obvious that the fantasy of the music lover exceeded the realities of the work. This is not the case here: JeanYves Labat de Rossi, John Arthur Holbrook and their friends conceived a classic work worthy to be ranked with the Rock masterpieces of the period. But today all nostalgia put aside is the Baba Scholae album still as mea