Desperate Afghan Mother Passes Baby To Marines Through Razor Wire
Get instant mobile alerts about breaking news and videos on the Afghan withdrawal with the Funker530 Mobile App for iOS and Android A soulcrushing video captures the moment a desperate mother allows her child to be handed through concertina wire to infantry Marines inside Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) in Kabul. The gutwrenching act of desperation further demonstrates the hopelessness the Afghan people are experiencing as the Islamist fanatic Taliban army takes over the country. This woman willingly gave up her child to trainedkiller US Marines, knowing that whatever fate awaits the baby now is better than any life it may have under an oppressive Taliban regime. This instance isn t unique. The UK s i newspaper reported that British paratroopers had multiple babies thrown to them, some of which landed in the barbed wire of the airport s perimeter. They reported that these mothers were being beaten by the Taliban. While the Taliban have brushed up their publi