The Design Behind GTA 3
An in depth look at the design behind Grand Theft Auto III YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: DISCORD: , GTA3, Design, GTASeriesVideos, HotTopic, RockstarGames ABOUT US GTA Series Videos is a dedicated fanchannel in no way tied to Rockstar Games or TakeTwo Interactive. Here you can find all the latest news, video walkthroughs and official trailers of the most successful video games published by Rockstar Games, including Grand Theft Auto series, Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne, L. A. Noire, Bully and many others. ABOUT GRAND THEFT AUTO 3 The sprawling crime epic that changed openworld games forever. Welcome to Liberty City. Where it all began. The critically acclaimed blockbuster Grand Theft Auto III brings to life the dark and seedy underworld of Liberty City. With a massive and diverse open world, a